Peter Cole

Room Acoustics: DYI Acoustic Panels

In this post, I will give a brief history of my journey to understanding room acoustics for home recording studios; and, how I eventually ditched most of my expensive studio foam, and built my own DYI acoustic panels. Be sure to read my post on how I’m approaching my new studio design overall. In this post I go into detail about the layout for my space, including the initial thinking

Home Studio Update: Flood!

I haven’t had much time to post anything recently, because I’ve been quite busy with other things going on with my house. Just as we were starting to move in to our new place, we had a serious sewage flood. It messed up most of the first floor of the house, including the room planned for my new studio. The only good news in all of this, is that we

Day One: New Music Studio!

It’s January 1st 2019! It’s also the first day of a new year, the first post for my new blog and the first day of my new YouTube channel! (OK, technically, I didn’t post this blog post until Jan 2nd.) My family just moved into a new house that has the perfect spot for my new studio. I thought this would be a great opportunity to start the new year